February 2021 Volume 6
The purpose of Kappa Beta Delta is to encourage and recognize scholarship and accomplishment among students of business pursuing associate degrees. To encourage and promote personal and professional improvement and a life distinguished by honorable service to humankind.
Have you applied for the KBD Scholarship? Please go to the link below to apply.
The Dr. Andrew V. Stevenson International Merit Scholarship is the highest honor a Kappa Beta Delta member can achieve. The Dr. Andrew V. Stevenson International Merit Scholarship is administered by the Board of Kappa Beta Delta.
Dr. Andrew V. Stevenson served as Associate Director of ACBSP, working closely with associate degree schools, until his death. He was instrumental in creating Kappa Beta Delta, the Honor Society for business programs which have an ACBSP accreditation.

“The fire is winter's fruit.”
– Arabian Proverb

Do You Know the Difference Between Taxable and Nontaxable Income?
All income you receive is taxable unless the rules explicitly state that it isn’t. According to the IRS, taxable income includes earned income like wages as well as any income earned by bartering or the exchange of property or services. Rental income is taxable as are other forms of unearned income like interest and dividends or Social Security.
Some income is not taxable unless certain conditions are met. For example, life insurance proceeds are usually not taxable to the beneficiary unless you redeem a life insurance policy for cash. Any amount you receive above the cost of the policy is taxable. State and local income tax refunds may be taxable and should be reported on your federal taxes.
There are also some forms of income that are usually not taxable, like:
Gifts and inheritances.
Child support payments.
Welfare benefits.
Damage awards for physical injury or sickness.
Cash rebates from a dealer or manufacturer for an item you buy.
Reimbursements for qualified adoption expenses.
* This information is not intended to be a substitute for specific individualized tax advice. We suggest that you discuss your specific tax issues with a qualified tax professional.
**Several factors will affect the cost and availability of life insurance, including age, health, and the type and amount of insurance purchased. Life insurance policies have expenses, including mortality and other charges. If a policy is surrendered prematurely, the policyholder also may pay surrender charges and have income tax implications. You should consider determining whether you are insurable before implementing a strategy involving life insurance. Any guarantees associated with a policy are dependent on the ability of the issuing insurance company to continue making claim payments.
Tip adapted from IRS.gov

Choose to Make Your Plate “MyPlate”
Ah, the Food Pyramid. It had a lot of flaws, but we’re not going to address them all right now. Its major weaknesses were that it generalized recommended servings per day and poorly defined portion sizes. So, in 2008, the U.S. Department of Agriculture implemented a user-friendly redesign: the pyramid was transformed into a plate.
The concept behind the MyPlate design was somehow both revolutionary and seemingly obvious. After all, we eat off a plate, not a pyramid. Portions are easier to see. Make half the plate fruits and vegetables; the other half, grains and protein. A serving of dairy (or non-dairy alternative) on the side. Easy, right?
Take advantage of this method the next time you sit down for a meal and see what adjustments you can make to make your plate even healthier.
Tip adapted from ChooseMyPlate.gov

What appears once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a decade?
Last week’s riddle: Two fathers and two sons went truffle hunting. Each found a truffle yet they found only three in all. Why? Answer: The truffle-hunting party was made up three people - a man, his son and his grandson.

Happy snowy owl on Jones Beach, Long Island, New York.

SAVE the Date
for the
Lake County
Kappa Beta Delta (KBD) Induction Ceremony
February 27, 2021 10 am – 11:30 am
Click on to the Blue Link to support our KBD Fundraiser

Congratulations! Boston Market has approved your GroupRaise Meal on March 26, 2021 at 5:00pm!
Now let's make this meal happen!
You can now start promoting your Meal! Above is a link to your Meal Page for your supporters to RSVP by committing to eat on the day of your GroupRaise event.
You need 20 people to RSVP on your meal page to receive final confirmation of your meal by March 23, 2021, or your event will be canceled. This is to put you on your way to reaching your total attendance goal, and show the restaurant that you have been marketing.
Getting RSVPs is important to help spread the word about your cause and to ensure that your meal raises enough support to fund your group's goal. Share your meal page link on Facebook, Twitter, over email, and anywhere else you can.
Make sure your supporters know that their commitment to eat is crucial to making your meal a success, but even if they are not able to RSVP they are more than welcome to eat to support the Foodbank of Northwest Indiana.
KBD Lake County Advisors
Dr. Trina Lynch-Jackson Service- Learning Coordinator
Professor Joseph Joniec
Adjunct Faculty Aleesha Thirkles-Williams