December 2020 Volume XIII
Holiday Edition
The purpose of Kappa Beta Delta is to encourage and recognize scholarship and accomplishment among students of business pursuing associate degrees. To encourage and promote personal and professional improvement and a life distinguished by honorable service to humankind.

Stay Safe While Shopping Online
While online shopping can be a convenient way to do your holiday shopping, it's important to keep your information safe. Here are some tips from the IRS to help:
· Make sure the site you are shopping from is secure. You can tell by looking for "https" in the URL. If there isn't an "s", be weary of providing your credit card information. You can also look for a lock icon in the URL bar.
· Make sure you are using a secure internet connection. Avoid shopping online if you're using unprotected WiFi, including WiFi networks at the library, work, the mall, or other public places.
· Look out for phishing emails, which are emails that come from spam accounts pretending to be from a legitimate business.
· Use unique passwords for each of your accounts and make sure your passwords are strong (at least 12 characters, contain upper and lowercase letters, contain numbers, and contain special characters). Don't use any personal information in your password, such as your name or family's names.
* This information is not intended to be a substitute for specific individualized tax advice. We suggest that you discuss your specific tax issues with a qualified tax professional.
Tip adapted from IRS

Give a Homemade Gift This Holiday Season
With all the buzz surrounding online shopping, it may seem like Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals are the only option for holiday gifts. But, if you want to avoid the crazes at the mall and online and want to give a unique, meaningful gift, look no further than a homemade craft.
Even if you aren't particularly crafty, some of these options are easy to make and will be a special gift for a loved one:
· Homemade candles
· Embroidered gift card holders (a perfect personal touch for a gift card)
· Bath bombs
· Arm-knitted blanket
· Clay ring holder using oven-baked clay (no kiln required!)
Tip adapted from The Spruce Crafts

Eco-Friendly Shopping Tips
If you're starting your holiday shopping already, you might be wondering how you can make your shopping trips a little greener. Here are some eco-friendly shopping tips!
· When possible, shop secondhand. Some people might view secondhand gifts as taboo, but they're just as thoughtful, if not more so, than new items because they are unique in their own way.
· Shop local and shop small. Small businesses that are conscious of their environmental footprint are helping to do their part to create a more sustainable shopping landscape.
· When shopping for clothes, look for items that are made from sustainable materials, such as cotton. Polyester is made from plastic and is non-biodegradable.
· If you're going out shopping, consolidate your trips so you don't have to waste gas going to multiple stores.
· Bring your own shopping bags to limit the use of paper and plastic bags.
Tip adapted from Independent