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KBD Now Accepting Applications for the 2020 Dr. Andrew V. Stevenson International Merit Scholarship

The Officers and Board of Directors of Kappa Beta Delta International Honor Society have approved the call for applications for the Dr. Andrew V. Stevenson International Merit Scholarship. Applications will be accepted beginning September 15, 2019. The application is now a fillable PDF that students can fill out and print to include with their materials.

We are proud to announce that a minimum of 12 scholarships will be awarded for the 2019-2020 academic year, each in the amount of $1,000.00. Additional scholarships may be designated for students in certain ACBSP Regions. That information will be posted on the KBD website and Facebook page by December 1, 2019. Any region wanting to donate additional funds can do so by contacting Danielle Harter, KBD Liaison, at or Dr. Trina Lynch-Jackson, Kappa Beta Delta President, at

Dr. Andrew V. Stevenson served as Associate Director of ACBSP, working closely with associate degree schools, until his death. He was instrumental in creating Kappa Beta Delta, an honor society for business programs which have ACBSP accreditation. 

One student scholarship recipient will be invited to attend the 2020 ACBSP Annual Conference in Chicago, Illinois, on June 26-29 (all expenses paid) and represent Kappa Beta Delta at their exhibitor booth.

Each student must meet the following criteria to be considered:

  • Be a paid member of KBD prior to the March 1, 2020 deadline

  • Maintain a minimum of 3.0 GPA or Higher

  • Be currently enrolled in college courses (Attach a valid class schedule as verification) - See scholarship rubric here.

In addition to the attached application, the applicant should submit:

  • An official transcript (in a sealed envelope)

  • An autobiographical essay indicating academic and professional achievements, community service(s) 750-1,000 words or less

  • A list of student’s personal goals

  • A letter of recommendation from student’s Chapter Advisor or Faculty Member (letter MUST be on school letterhead and signed by Chapter Advisor or Faculty Member)

  • A signed Photo Release form

The deadline for application submission is March 1, 2020. The recipients will be announced by April 15, 2020. Applications must be postmarked and mailed to the attention of:

Kappa Beta Delta International Honor Society

Attn: Andrew V. Stevenson Scholarship Committee

11520 West 119th Street

Overland Park, Kansas 66213

You can find the application here.

Scholarship Selection Process

RATIONALE: The Dr. Andrew V. Stevenson International Merit Scholarship is administered by the Board of Kappa Beta Delta. With the increase in the number of Regions now donating scholarships to Kappa Beta Delta, it has become necessary to document the process to be followed by the Scholarship Committee in the review of applications and the selection of scholarship recipients. When a Region donates a scholarship to Kappa Beta Delta, it is done so to provide additional opportunities for students within that region. As such, the following process is to be used to determine scholarship recipients.


The number and amount of scholarships will be set by the KBD Board of Directors. Individual regions may choose to offer a scholarship in their Region’s name, for the sole purpose of benefiting students in their region. These scholarships are in addition to those designated by the KBD Board. The Board of Directors appoints the Scholarship Committee.

The timeline for the application/review process is set by the KBD Board of Directors. Notices are sent to all Chapters to notify them of the scholarship opportunities and the application deadlines.

Applications are submitted to KBD. The KBD office copies and distributes the applications to the Scholarship Committee.

The Scholarship Committee reviews the applications using the Scholarship Rubric. When determining the scholarship recipients, they are to be awarded in the following order:

  1. Once the applicants are scored using the Scholarship Rubric, the KBD scholarships are awarded to the top scoring candidates from the pool of applicants.

  2. The committee will now look at the remaining candidates from the regions that have “donated” scholarships for students in their region. The Regional Scholarships will be awarded to the remaining top applicant(s) from the specific region.

  3. The Scholarship Committee will submit a report to the KBD President informing her/him of the winners of both the KBD and the regional scholarships.

  4. KBD will inform the Chapter Advisor of the scholarship recipients within their Chapter, as well as the Regional Presidents of regions that have donated scholarships.

  5. The KBD office will prepare press releases and the list of winners will be posted to the KBD website, checks and plaques will be prepared and issued.

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